Lung cancer champion
Sadly Patrick has passed away, and we honour his wish to continue to tell his story in the hope of helping as many other people as possible find cancer early. Thank you Pat, your participation, contributions and support is greatly appreciated and will be remembered.
Most guys hesitate and I did to start with. It was my wife who said ‘go and see the doctor’ and it’s lucky that I did.
Patrick’s story
Mining process supervisor Patrick was willing to put up with a sore right lung for some time before his wife urged him to get it checked out. His local GP, just around the corner, sent him for some x-rays and a CT scan before sending him to Perth for a PET scan. As a former smoker of 35 years, Patrick had given up smoking just 3 and a half weeks before he was formally diagnosed with lung cancer in June 2018.
He undertook three rounds of chemotherapy in Perth before commencing radiation therapy and further chemotherapy. Patrick was able to stay at Crawford Lodge, Cancer Council WA’s home away from home for regional cancer patients, while he underwent his treatment 600km from Kalgoorlie.
Patrick’s advice
‘If you need to drive 600kms – it’s a six hour drive but it’s a six hour drive that could potentially save your life’.
‘If you notice a change in your body go and see your doctor straight away, don’t hesitate’.
Information for smokers
If you’re thinking of quitting smoking visit the Make Smoking History website to find information about ways to quit, how to stay quit and real quitting stories from smokers.
Ready to quit now? Download the free My Quit Buddy app today! The app will help you through your cravings and inform you of all the health and financial benefits you’re receiving every day you stay quit. It also has a forum so you can chat to other people who are quitting and you can store photos and recordings of loved ones to motivate you along the way.